Hi again,
I initially wrote:
The polls are open until October 21st, 2021.
As the turn-out has been rather high already, I think we have a clear
* monthly schedule (92.5% approval)
* 20:00 CET/CEST at (73.8% approval)
* Wednesdays at (89.1% approval)
So the new slot for OsmoDevCall will be Wednesdays 20:00 CET/CEST.
This puts the first OsmoDevCall as per the new schedule at next wee
Wednesdays: October 19, 2022. Can't wait to get this re-launched.
Given the lower (monthly) interval, I am planning to split the
retronetworking related talks into a separate event series, independent
of OsmoDevCall. So OsmoDevCall will stay focused mainly on mobile
communications related topics.
Looking forward to meeting you again next week.
- Harald Welte <laforge(a)gnumonks.org>
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